Develop a message flow that implements aggregation to fan-out information into a single output message.
Configure integration nodes and integration servers to connect to secured resources by using credentials that are stored in encrypted form in an IBM App Connect Enterprise vault
Configure an IBM App Connect vault for storing encrypted credentials, which can be used to access secured resources
Enable user trace and retrieve the collected trace data
Build a message flow that uses IBM App Connect Enterprise web user interface to view events and replay messages
Create monitoring events on selected nodes so that they could be published to a topic and recorded into a database table
Construct and configure a business transaction definition in the web user interface
Create the business events that make up a business transaction definition
Design an application that uses the Business Transaction Monitoring dashboard to view events in completed, failed, inconsistent, and in-progress states
Create and add user-defined properties to a message flow
Assemble promoted properties to provide common values for multiple message flow nodes in the flow by converging promoted properties
WM686: IBM App Connect Enterprise 12 Application Development I
WM687: IBM App Connect Enterprise 12 Application Development II
Target Audience
This course is designed for experienced integration specialists and senior-level developers with experience in application development and messaging middleware applications that are interested in becoming an IBM App Connect Enterprise Developer.
Course Curriculum
Module 1: Course introduction
Module 2: Implementing message flow aggregation
Module 3: Securing message flows
Module 4: Debugging message flows
Module 5: Implementing error handling in message flows