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With eScience School, we are fortunate to be able to take a principled approach based on current research in education around the globe. We design for outcomes that lead to personal development and high levels of engagement program, growth and real-world impact. We’re built to remain current. We built on research and learning criteria that supports essential knowledge, future ready skills, and habits for success. In everything we do, we keep the four pillars of educational values in our mind.

Key Focus Area

Cloud Computing

This subject introduces to the Cloud Computing technology and its real-world implications, different services of cloud, deployment models and key concepts such as data storage, servers, databases, internet networking and  software.

Course Overview:

This training program aims to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of cloud computing, covering fundamental concepts, deployment models, types of cloud services, applications, and industry trends. Participants will gain insights into the evolution of computing paradigms, the emergence of cloud computing, its characteristics, benefits, deployment models, and various cloud services. The training will also explore real-world applications of cloud computing across different sectors.

Course Objective:

  1. Introduction to Cloud Computing: Covering its definition, basic principles, comparison with traditional computing models, evolution from mainframes to clouds, historical overview, characteristics, and benefits.
  2. Cloud Deployment Models: Explores different cloud deployment models, including public cloud, private cloud, and hybrid cloud, using analogies to illustrate their characteristics and usage scenarios.
  3. Types of Cloud Services: Various types of cloud services, such as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), Containers as a Service (CaaS), and others, highlighting their features and use cases.
  4. Applications of Cloud Computing: Examines real-world applications of cloud computing across different domains, including cloud storage and file sharing, cloud-based productivity tools, and cloud gaming and entertainment. It also discusses the impact of cloud gaming on the gaming industry.

Who can attend the Training:

This course is suitable for students in 8th and 9th grade who have an interest in technology, computers, and the internet. It is designed to be accessible to beginners with no prior knowledge of Cloud Computing.

Additionally, educators or parents may find this course beneficial in teaching young learners about the importance of Cloud Computing and how to stay safe online.

Module 1: Application Program Interface

What is api? –  its purpose of existence – How APIs communicate – RESTful concepts

Module 2: Virtualization (Hands 0n)

What is virtualization – Hypervisor – Types of VM – Scaling concept and its types(brief) -Practical demo using GCP – setting up VM in GCP and hosting a server in cloud

Module 3: Load Balancers (Hands – on)

its importance – Conceptual Knowledge – Different load balancing techniques – Machine Learning possibilities in Cloud (hands on) – Resource Management

Module 4: Cloud Security 

Security Challenges – VM security – IAM security (Hands on) – What is Serverless ? – What change does it bring to existing services

Module 5: Cloud Native Applications

What does cloud native applications mean – how is it different from traditional app-development architectures – Benefits of CAN Client – Server Architecture and basics of Web Sockets (hands on) – understand GIT

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