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With eScience School, we are fortunate to be able to take a principled approach based on current research in education around the globe. We design for outcomes that lead to personal development and high levels of engagement program, growth and real-world impact. We’re built to remain current. We built on research and learning criteria that supports essential knowledge, future ready skills, and habits for success. In everything we do, we keep the four pillars of educational values in our mind.

Key Focus Area

Cyber Security

This course focuses on Cyber Security Basic Concepts like Common terms used, types of malicious files used, privacy issues faced in day-to-day life, cookies, Cryptography also focuses on practical demos on cryptography and practical examples to protect against Cyber Attacks

Module 1: Introduction to cyber security

Introduction to cyber security and its importance, Key Concepts (CIA Triad) – White Hat, Black Hat, Grey Hat, Red Hat – DDOS – Exploits – Breach – Attack Surface – Payloads – Possible Vulnerabilities in common systems

Module 2: Types of malicious files

Viruses – RAT – Trojans  – Adware – Ransomware

Module 3: Common types of attacks

Social Engineering – Phishing – Physical Infiltration – Important security technologies used in cyber security

Module 4: Cookies, and possible threats through cookies

Cookies, and possible threats through cookies –  Privacy issues – Digital Garden –  Introduction to file – Network Encryption

Module 1: Cryptography

Introduction – Types of Cryptography – Hash Function – Digital Signatures – Practical Demo of Cryptography.

Module 2: Vulnerability analysis

Introduction – Types, Scoring Systems – Practical Vulnerability analysis using Nessus, Nikto. (Hands on)

Module 3: Common types of attacks

Password cracking with Ophcrack/Kon boot, Keylogger analysis (hands on)

Module 4: Distributed Denial of Service attacks

Distributed Denial of Service attacks – Introduction – Protection methods – Practical example of DDOS attack using LOIC (hands on)

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