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With eScience School, we are fortunate to be able to take a principled approach based on current research in education around the globe. We design for outcomes that lead to personal development and high levels of engagement program, growth and real-world impact. We’re built to remain current. We built on research and learning criteria that supports essential knowledge, future ready skills, and habits for success. In everything we do, we keep the four pillars of educational values in our mind.

Key Focus Area

Ethereum (Blockchain)

This course introduces the basics of Blockchain technology, including the evolution of the blockchain technology from the late 90s to the most cutting-edge developments and validation technology being implemented today. It also covers popular block platforms such as Solidity and Hyperledger.  Finally, students are also taught about more practical cryptocurrency concepts, which help them understand the financial aspect of the field much better.

Module 1: Introduction to Blockchain 

What is a Block?  – What is a Merkle Tree? – What is Hashing?  – What is a Blockchain? – Properties of Blockchain – Creating Software Wallets – History of Blockchain technology

Module 2: Transaction process, Anonymity and Security

What are consensus algorithms? – What is the difference between Proof of Work and Proof of Stake consensus? – Transaction process with Proof of Work consensus. (Explain with Bitcoin)

Module 3: Types of Blockchain and Blockchain Analysis

Public Blockchain – Private Blockchain – Hybrid Blockchain – Sidechain

Module 4: Smart Contracts

Introduction to Blockchain Tokens  – Types of Blockchain Token – Introduction to Smart Contracts – Popular blockchain platforms used for Smart Contracts.

Module 5: Applications of Blockchain technology

Cryptocurrency – Supply chain tracking and management – Secure Electronic Voting

Module 1: Introduction to Ethereum and Blockchain platforms

 Review of Blockchain Tokens – Review of Types of Blockchain Token – Review of Smart Contracts – What is Ethereum? – Technologies that support Ethereum – Ethereum – Programming Language – ERC Tokens – What is Staking? – Transaction and consensus -process with Proof of Stake consensus. (Explain with ETH or any other token that supports POS)

Module 2: Solidity

Introduction to Solidity – Important concepts in Solidity – Contract – Structures – Mapping – Modifiers – Layout of a Solidity source file – State Variables – Function Types, Reference Types, Units – Relevant sample Solidity programs, execute with Remix IDE – Developing a Smart contract using Remix IDE

Module 3: Advanced Cryptocurrency concepts

Stable coins vs Normal Cryptocurrencies – Reserve Backed Stablecoins – Fiat Backed – Commodity Backed – Cryptocurrency Backed – Algorithmic Stablecoins – The Rise and total collapse of TerraUSD and LUNA – Cryptocurrency Mixing using services like Tornado – [OPTIONAL] Show demo of cryptocurrency mixing with Tornado cash by sending any available cryptocurrency between two accounts.

Module 4: Hyperledger

Introduction to Hyperledger – Hyperledger Architecture – Hyperledger Application Model – Network Topology – Hands on Hyperledger Demo on Hyperledger -Composer Playground

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