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With eScience School, we are fortunate to be able to take a principled approach based on current research in education around the globe. We design for outcomes that lead to personal development and high levels of engagement program, growth and real-world impact. We’re built to remain current. We built on research and learning criteria that supports essential knowledge, future ready skills, and habits for success. In everything we do, we keep the four pillars of educational values in our mind.

Key Focus Area

Internet of Things

This subject is an introduction to Internet of Things (IoT), brief description of IoT conceptual framework, architecture, sensors, IoT communication, skills required to build own IoT devices and security. alongside understanding the concepts of Machine Learning and to develop projects that solve simple needs.

Module 1: Overview of the Course

Micro Controller – Microprocessor Vs Microcontroller – Embedded Systems, Embedded Microcontrollers-  8051 Architecture- Registers, Pin diagram, I/O ports functions, Internal Memory organization.

Module 2: Sensors, Actuators, Transducers

Sensors –  Actuators – Transducers

Module 3: Internet of Things

IoT Conceptual Framework –  IoT Architectural View, Technology Behind IoT – M2M communication, Examples of IoT – Modified OSI Model for the IoT/M2M Systems, data enrichment, data consolidation and device management at IoT/M2M Gateway – web communication protocols used by connected IoT/M2M devices – Message communication protocols (CoAP-SMS, CoAP-MQ, MQTT, XMPP) for IoT/M2M devices –  Internet connectivity, Internet¬ based communication, IPv4, IPv6, 6LoWPAN protocol, IP Addressing in the IoT

Module 4: Arduino Programming

History with bare microcontroller programming – Understand Arduino Board (PIN structure), types available – Programming Arduino – Implement 3 projects from the acquired knowledge

Module 1: Machine Learning

what is machine learning, machine learning vs traditional computing?  how beneficial? where is it used?- types of machine learning – some basic machines learning models -> (Regression analysis (linear regression, logistic regression), decision tree, SVM) + hands-on

steps involved in machines learning -basics of NumPy and pandas -Ideology of AI

Module 2: Introduction to ESP32

Node MCU – understand Node MCU – implement small projects -get used to web servers (thing speak)

Module 3: Introduction to IoT privacy and security

Vulnerabilities, security requirements and threat analysis – IoT Security Tomography and layered attacker model – IOT possibilities with Cloud – Understand MQTT-Node Red

Module 4: Machine learning project with IOT

Machine learning project with IOT – Raspberry Pi (introduction)

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