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With eScience School, we are fortunate to be able to take a principled approach based on current research in education around the globe. We design for outcomes that lead to personal development and high levels of engagement program, growth and real-world impact. We’re built to remain current. We built on research and learning criteria that supports essential knowledge, future ready skills, and habits for success. In everything we do, we keep the four pillars of educational values in our mind.

Key Focus Area

Network and Communication

In this course, we trace the evolution of networks and identify the key concepts and types of Network Devices. We introduce concepts of Servers and examples of these concepts. Further, we explain fundamental concepts that focus on Network Topologies, with their advantages and disadvantages. Concept of Layered Architecture and Error techniques in Data Link Layer and Network Layer functionalities, subnetting concepts and Advanced Network Concepts is also covered. In addition with this we also discuss the TCP/IP architecture and also covers different types of communication protocols used.

Module 1: Introduction to Networking

Introduction to Networking (evolution of communication networks) – Network Devices – Types

Module 2: Concepts of Servers, DNS

Server- Types of Servers – Examples – DNS – What is DNS? – How does DNS Work?

Module 3: Network Topology and OSI Model

Types – Advantages and Disadvantages of Network Topology – OSI Model -Functions of Network Layer – Network Layer Protocols – ARP – ICMP – IPV6

Module 4: IPV4 VS IPV6

What is IPV4? – What is IPV6? – Difference Between them?

Module 5: Ip address and its types

Explain IP address – Types of IP address – Subnetting concept

Module 1: TCP/IP: Architecture

TCP- Header format and handshaking operation – UDP- Header format

Module 2: Data Communications

Analog and Digital signals – Transmission Impairments and Performance – Data Rate – Transmission media like Guided and Unguided media – Cabling standards

Module 3: Electronic mail

Electronic mail, FTP, WWW, HTTP, SNMP, multi-media, network security , Concepts of VPN, Firewall

Module 4: Advanced Networking Concepts

 Open Flow switching – Cognitive Networks

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